Here are just some samples of the work that I have done. To view all my work please click the following link for some reason...its really hard to upload photos onto here. But I hope to be on my feet soon, and start taking clients. I am available for senior pictures or other such events. Contact information: Saige Todachinnie


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Its been brought to my attention...

That some of my work has been taken off of my sight, (or from other customers that I have given personal copies to) and have been re-edited and posted with new logos and information claiming to be original works. This is not true, and I hope my work is not questioned. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE OR CHANGE THESE PICTURES IN ANYWAY!! sorry for the inconvenience.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I took a couple of my sweet husband (such a good sport) and we had a blast. Hurricane Alex just brought such good lighting and such beautiful waves... I had to!